Drinking well is ‘futuristic’, thanks to Bevande Futuriste. Three futurist drinks created for your cocktails with Cortese tonics. Bevande Futuriste is born in 2014 in Treviso, in the Veneto Italian region, after two years of research and development on the study of consumption outside the home on today’s modern and futuristic woman. Three partners: Alessandro Angelon, Elena Ceschelli and Alberto Zamuner, linked by friendship and love for beauty in everything, with a strong experience in food and beverage. There are four product lines: DiFrutta Bio, the beautiful, good and even organic fruit juice; Cortese, a line of premium sodas […]
From the best mixologists, here are the recipes of three cocktails to celebrate Halloween. Trendy drink to try now! In a historical period like this, which is an euphemism to define dark, in which it has become almost impossible to enjoy cocktails in traditional places, all that is left for enthusiasts is to prepare them at home. And that’s why we want (thanks to Carlo Dutto) to offer our readers three more recipes (in addition to the many already published in the past) of great drinks. This time, our cocktails are dedicated to Hallowen. For a few moments […]
Barolo, Barbaresco, Roero and other faces of Nebbiolo in Piedmont is the name of the Go Wine event held on October 15th at Savoy in Rome. As usual, this Go Wine event has proved to be a delicious proposal for the palates of lovers of good wine. The choice of a vine, Nebbiolo, which we personally consider the prince of Italian vines, allows us to confront some of the best expressions of our country’s enology, with a truly remarkable variety of interpretations. The influence of the terroir strongly marks each different production and a slightly different exposure (within […]
The native Italian vines protagonists of Buono… non lo conoscevo 2020 ed. held in Rome by Go Wine. After many long months, and despite the difficulties due to the current situation linked to the CoVid pandemic, noteworthy events in the sector of good drinking are back in Rome. As usual, Go Wine stands out for the interest aroused by its initiatives, in which it always offers wine lovers of excellent quality and often with new “surprises”. In fact, it happens both to find valid producers already met, and to discover each time some “first fruits” (at least as regards […]
Trendy drinks for Summer 2020: three unmissable cocktails created by some of the best Italian mixologists. The recipes of trendy drinks from Italian cocktail bars. Two are inspired by famous movies and, personally, we are very pleased that one takes its cue from “Borotalco”, since we have always considered it as the best film ever directed by Carlo Verdone. As usual, our expert Carlo Dutto tells us everything about. The Recipes DRINK: PLANCTONIC BARTENDER: Alessio Navacci, barman of QVINTO in Rome INGREDIENTS: 60 ml VII Hills Italian Dry Gin 180 ml phytoplacton flavored tonic […]
When one of the best cocktail bars in the world, The Jerry Thomas in Rome, meets quality products, the magic that comes is called Vermouth Del Professore! The Del Professore products, Vermouth but also Bitter, Aperitif and three types of Gin, are made in the Quaglia Distillery of Castelnuovo Don Bosco. At the end of the eighteenth century the Italian herbalists, experts in the composition of curative preparations, started the first production of voluptuous drinks. Thus was born the basic liqueur of the aperitif and modern cocktail. The research path signed by the Professor looks at that golden […]
Wet Shaving – Interview with Mastro Livi. The Italian excellence of straight razors. With this article/interview, we present to our readers a sector that, in recent years, has gained increasing interest in the field of male “self-care”: the so-called Wet Shaving. After more than thirty years during which shaving has almost always been identified as an annoying and unavoidable daily task, to be performed as quickly as possible, before leaving the house in the morning, in the last five years there has been a significant return of interest for traditional practices. Many men today, both young and more […]
Exclusive interview for iBESTmag with Walter Gosso, new Trade Advocacy Manager and Brand Ambassador of Rinaldi1957 group, a company from Bologna, one of the biggest in Italy focused on the distribution of spirits, liqueurs and wines, specialized in the On Trade channel. In the world of beverage, mixology and good drinking, there are many and different skills that make up the path between the producer and the final consumer. Each of these steps is fundamental for the whole “system” to be perfect. For example, without the marketing or distribution sector, even a perfect product would never arrive in the […]
Exclusive interview with STEFANO DI DIO, founder of OSCAR.697, which produces three types of Vermouth, distributed in Italy by Rinaldi 1957. A singular enterpreneur, for three excellent products. A character who intrigued us and pushed us to want to know more about his history and his Vermouths. Once again, we must thank our friend Carlo Dutto for making this interview, exclusively for iBESTmag ,possible. Before going ahead with the interview, however, we want not only to remember (as always) to drink in moderation and not to drive after drinking, but we allow ourselves to make an appeal precisely to […]
Published for the 10 years of the first Italian speakeasy, the Jerry Thomas of Rome, the “secret” cocktail bar ranked 50th in the BEST 100 bars in the world 2019. Our expert Carlo Dutto tells us an unmissable editorial issue for cocktail and mixology lovers: a book published for the 10 years of the first Italian speakeasy (the hidden bar that needs a password to enter, as in the era of Prohibition), the Jerry Thomas of Rome, who in the ranking of BEST 100 bars in the world 2019 is 50th, (and for six years in the ranking), […]
Three trendy drinks’ recipes for our movie cocktail series. Gin Ramsbury is the protagonist of this episode. Martini and Negroni drinks are probably the best known cocktails (even by those who are totally abstainers) in the world. Never as in these two cases has it been the world of cinema that has made them known, at least in name, to the general public. The first then, how many times has it been ordered, prepared and … consumed cinematically by James Bond / Agent 007, in the now very long series of films dedicated to the hero created by […]
In Tuscany, on the hills of Montecatini, Luca Varini is a young entrepreneur who produces excellent EVO oil. Just in such a delicate moment, as the one that is going throughout the world, it is even more important to keep the attention alive on those entrepreneurial realities that, since their inception, have focused on sustainable projects, in harmony with nature and aimed at high quality productions. The very close link with the territory, especially in the internal areas, is in fact a fundamental element for the correct future development of our country. The company of […]
More drinks inspired by the world of cinema: three cocktails with Cognac Hine created by the best Italian mixologists. Just before Easter, even in the hard times we’re living, we’d like to send our best wishes to our loyal readers and therefore we publish this fourth (albeit in a reduced format) episode dedicated to cocktail inspired by movies. A trend that evidently “tickled” the imagination of the Italian mixologists so much and which is highly appreciated by the readers. As usual, we immediately give the floor to our friend Carlo Dutto who will introduce the Maison Hine and […]
Drink Bready Crusta. Another cocktail inspired by a movie: “Pane Amore E …” with Sophia Loren and Vittorio de Sica, created by Sabina Yausheva. It will still take some time before we can enjoy again a good drink in the places where fans are used to meet each other. So we continue, thanks to the collaboration of our trusted expert Carlo Dutto, to offer our readers the recipes of excellent cocktails created by the most prominent names in the Italian mixology world. Of course, always drinking responsibly! DRINK: BREADY CRUSTA (inspired by the film “Bread, […]
Perfection in a wine glass: Zalto Denk’Art series. What would an excellent wine be without an adequate glass that allows us to appreciate the subtler nuances of its bouquet? Without a doubt something would be missing and the gustatory potential of that wine would be, to a greater or lesser extent, restricted and sometimes almost mortified by the lack of use of an adequate glass. Of course, as well as for wines, there are also excellent glass producers and Zalto is among these a brand that has now become a cult, internationally recognized as one representative of perfection. And […]
Coffee and Cigarettes: another drink easy to make at home, created by Mario Farulla of the Baccano Restaurant – Rome. Given that the current difficult contingency still relegates most Italians (and not only) to home, we offer you, thanks to the collaboration of Carlo Dutto, another very easy cocktail to prepare at home. To spend some carefree moments together with your loved ones. Always of course, drinking responsibly. DRINK: COFFEE AND CIGARETTES (inspired by the film “Coffee and Cigarettes”, by Jim Jarmush, 2003) BARMAN: Mario Farulla, bar manager of the Baccano restaurant in Rome, entered […]
Great Burgundy and Champagne wines presented by deGustate – A Catalog to drink, in the event held at the Rome Marriott Grand Hotel Flora. During the last February and precisely 15th to 17th, an interesting event proposed by deGustate was held in Rome, in the evocative setting of the Rooftop of the Rome Marriott Grand Hotel Flora, which wanted to present its prestigious catalog of labels, mainly French, but with some notable “local” insertion. We know we are very late (and we apologize for it) in reporting this event to our readers, but the dramatic events known to everyone, […]
From The Jerry Thomas Speakeasy in Rome: Cherry Bomb, an easy drink to prepare at home. We are aware that in this sad and dramatic period for most of the world’s population, there are more important problems to face than that of preparing a good drink. However, given that most of us are forced to stay in our homes, in order to avoid the spread of the Coronavirus epidemic as much as possible, we thought of publishing a rather easy recipe for preparing a cocktail with the family and thus passing some carefree moment during long quarantine days. Of […]
Formaticum – The Market Exhibition of Italian Dairy Rarities, presented some of the best Italian cheeses at the WEGIL in Rome. Cheese lovers living in and around Rome have recently had the opportunity (February 8/9th) to meet some of the “spearheads” among dairy producers in our country, thanks to the second edition of Formaticum, brilliantly organized by La Pecora Nera Editore, with the participation of DOL – Di Origine Laziale and Passionfruithub – Media Food. CHECK IMAGES HERE Of course (after the first Edition), this year too we did not miss the […]
5 trendy cocktails for Valentine’s Day – The best mixologists in Rome offer you their drinks for the party dedicated to love. The day of lovers is coming and many will celebrate in trendy clubs, or on the contrary, will organize intimate dinners where they will give their best to amaze the other one. What better then to start or end the evening with a good drink (always drinking responsibly) especially if created by some of the best and best known mixologists from Rome? Our Carlo Dutto has selected for you 5 great recipes, all to be enjoyed in […]
Beviamoci Sud – The first festival of the great red wines of Southern Italy, organized in Rome by Riserva Grande – Radisson Blue Hotel. A short distance from the event dedicated to Nebbiolo, Riserva Grande offered fans another commendable thematic initiative. This time the focus was on the great red wines of Southern Italy. A rather vast and changeable territory, with a thousand facets, which produces numerous wines of great value and of ever greater diffusion. Just to mention some of the most significant vines we mention Primitivo and Negramaro (or Negroamaro) in Puglia, the Calabrese Gaglioppo, […]
Ten drinks inspired to famous movies by the Strega Alberti liqueur: trendy cocktails from the best Italian mixologists. Our “Saga” of cocktails inspired by the world of cinema continues with a third episode, this time with the famous Strega Alberti Liqueur as a common base. The previous episodes HERE and HERE. As always, Carlo Dutto introduces us to the company and offers us the ten widely documented recipes. A century-old company and a solid family history STREGA ALBERTI’s story begins in Benevento in 1860 with Giuseppe Alberti who opens a […]
The VII edition of Nebbiolo nel Cuore, organized by Riserva Grande, brought 46 producers of the prince of Italian vines to Rome. Barolo, Barbaresco, Roero … different ways to say Nebbiolo. A grape variety as well known as loved all over the world and, as our readers well know, even from us who on similar occasions, feel a bit like Uncle Scrooge when he was in his deposit of gold coins. And how can you not feel happy when you have hundreds of labels from great producers of your favorite wines? Check Images Here […]
Inspired by the same name movie, the Autumn in New York drink by Mario Farulla, is based on Jefferson’s Ocean Aged At Sea bourbon. Waiting for a new episode entirely dedicated to cinema drinks, our expert Carlo Dutto signals us a cocktail (always inspired by a film) linked to a significant event for the world of Italian beverage/mixology: the inclusion of the place where the creator of this drink works, among the top hundred of the world in the prestigious ranking of The World’s 50 Best Bars 2019. DRINK: AUTUMN IN NEW YORK (inspired by movie “Autumn […]
The 4th Edition of A Tutta Torba – The Smokiest Day of the Year, organized by Roma Whisky Festival at the Chorus Cafè. The annual event dedicated to peated Whiskeys took place recently at the Chorus Cafè in Rome. The fans thus had the opportunity to taste their favorite whiskeys choosing from hundreds of labels, special, limited and rare editions coming mostly from what we could call the “homeland” of peat whiskeys and that is, the island of Islay, in Scotland (we talked about it HERE). MORE IMAGES HERE In addition to the […]
Flos Olei, the guide to the world of extra virgin olive oil (EVO) by Marco Oreggia and Laura Martinelli, in a great event at the Excelsior in Rome. Last December 7th, in the fascinating setting of the Westin Excelsior Hotel in Rome, the presentation event of the 2020 edition of Flos Olei, the Guide to the World of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, took place. Prizes, tastings, master classes and seminars have allowed enthusiasts and simple onlookers to deepen their knowledge of what has always been one of the leading sectors in the panorama of Italian agricultural production. But not […]
High-level wineries in Gowine’s meeting at Savoy, with a focus on Campania. Once again we went at the Hotel Savoy for one of the valuable initiatives organized by GoWine. The latter was dedicated exclusively to wines from Campania. About twenty producers were present with numerous proposals of a remarkable level. MORE IMAGES HERE The fact that the event had such a particular focus allowed us to get to know many labels that declined in different forms a small number of vines: all this species for reds, where Aglianico dominated unchallenged (with some rare exceptions). […]
The recipes of three winter cocktails from Bacardi Martini: ideal drinks to celebrate Christmas Holidays. Three trendy ideas to toast in joy during the upcoming Christmas holidays. And our way to wish you and thank you. Now a few days off but … don’t worry, after Christmas we’ll be here again with always new articles. We therefore asked our expert and friend Carlo Dutto to suggest something particularly suitable for the occasion, and here is what he recommended: Bacardi Martini welcomes winter 2019 with three drinks designed specifically for the cold season, three variants that pay […]
MareMMMa. At Palazzo Borghese three unions: Maremma Toscana, Montecucco and Morellino di Scansano shows their wines. In the prestigious setting of the Galleria del Cembalo at Palazzo Borghese – Rome, most of their production was presented by the consortiums for the protection of the Tuscan Maremma Wines, Montecucco DOC and DOCG Wines and Morellino di Scansano designations. An important appointment therefore, to know and appreciate the production of that part of Tuscany that borders Lazio to the south and the province of Livorno to the north. A territory which, although identifying itself in […]
Ten drinks inspired to famous movies by VII Hills Gin: trendy cocktails from the best Italian mixologists. After the great success of the previous article (HERE) on the movie-themed cocktails based on Rum Don Papa, here is a new episode of what we could jokingly (but not so much) define a real “Saga”, since we are already at work to offer you more new episodes. This time our expert Carlo Dutto offers us ten “titles” based on VII Hills Gin. We therefore immediately give him the word for the presentation and the recipes. Italian Gin, […]