The Best Italian Wines 2018. An event like that organized by Luca Maroni, held in Rome in these days (Feb 15th to 18th), really happens to inaugurate the “live” activity of iBestmag. The subtitle of the event is in fact “The Excellencies on Display”, just as excellence is the cornerstone of our Mission.
Drinking Well
A Journey through the Distilleries of Islay and Skye. When iBESTmag was not yet a web magazine, some of our collaborators made a Press Trip to Scotland and precisely, in the islands of Skye and Islay, where they produce some of the most popular and appreciated Single Malt Whisky brands . Because the concept we want to express in this magazine is linked to quality, choice and selection. In short, the pursuit of good drinking, be it tied to a wine, a distillate and why not, to a good craft beer.