In Tuscany, on the hills of Montecatini, Luca Varini is a young entrepreneur who produces excellent EVO oil.      Just in such a delicate moment, as the one that is going throughout the world, it is even more important to keep the attention alive on those entrepreneurial realities that, since their inception, have focused on sustainable projects, in harmony with nature and aimed at high quality productions. The very close link with the territory, especially in the internal areas, is in fact a fundamental element for the correct future development of our country.     The company of […]

  Formaticum – The Market Exhibition of Italian Dairy Rarities, presented some of the best Italian cheeses at the WEGIL in Rome.      Cheese lovers living in and around Rome have recently had the opportunity (February 8/9th) to meet some of the “spearheads” among dairy producers in our country, thanks to the second edition of Formaticum, brilliantly organized by La Pecora Nera Editore, with the participation of DOL – Di Origine Laziale and Passionfruithub – Media Food.         CHECK IMAGES HERE   Of course (after the first Edition), this year too we did not miss the […]

Flos Olei, the guide to the world of extra virgin olive oil (EVO) by Marco Oreggia and Laura Martinelli, in a great event at the Excelsior in Rome.   Last December 7th, in the fascinating setting of the Westin Excelsior Hotel in Rome, the presentation event of the 2020 edition of Flos Olei, the Guide to the World of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, took place. Prizes, tastings, master classes and seminars have allowed enthusiasts and simple onlookers to deepen their knowledge of what has always been one of the leading sectors in the panorama of Italian agricultural production. But not […]

  Top food and wine, for the VIII Edition of Excellence – Food Innovation at the Rome Convention Center – La Nuvola.    A not to miss event, has been Excellence, which proposed a remarkable series of events, coocking shows, talks and tastings at the highest levels for three days (Nov. 9th to 11th), to a very numerous public.         We went there on the final day (Monday), when fortunately for us, the “great wave” of visitors had already passed and we were able to calmly taste numerous wines and also various EVO oils, cheeses and scold […]

  Wine and food tour in Tuscany. Pecorino cheese, Cinta Senese cured meats, Chianina, organic and biodynamic wines, hospitality.   This time, we wanted to make our “browsable special” even more “special” and so, we organized a Tour in Tuscany, in search of … Treasures.   (From the Editorial) Treasures of Tuscany is a travel suggestion, an arbitrary itinerary, with no apparent logical connection. At least this is what it may seem, because we have achieved it not so much for specific places or areas, nor even by following history and/or art, which have so much to do when it […]

Our selection among the companies that produce the best Italian rice, in an online browsable publication.   A new, important initiative of our Magazine. This time we wanted to dedicate it to Italian Rice and to a small selection of some of the most prestigious producers that perpetuate a long and valiant tradition, but also give life to new varieties: the fruit of long years of study, experimentation and selection. Classic varieties and new discoveries, combined in providing us with ever greater culinary possibilities. Not for nothing, these are the rices preferred by great national and international Chefs for their […]

  A wide selection of Italian companies proposed the best cheeses of their own production at WE GIL in Rome.   We think there is no need to stress that the cheese production, with its infinite variety of products, its widespread diffusion in every region, its traditions and its high quality level, is one of the spearheads of Italian excellence. That said both with regards to the agri-food sector and in general, given the importance and the size of this sector that represents with honor our country in the world.

  The “Alba” of an excellent extra virgin olive oil.   Italy, it’s well known as the country of hidden treasures, secret places, small businesses that produce and create unexpected excellences. Behind all this there are the stories of passion, dreams, hopes, will, inventiveness and sacrifice of the people who give life to these excellences. And it is one of these stories that we want to tell you today.

Valencia: September 20th 2018.   The Paella is a traditional Valencian dish, dating back to the fifteenth century, now known and appreciated in many other countries, species of the Mediterranean. This year, however, the City of Valencia wanted to celebrate one of its symbols by setting up, for September 20th, the World Paella Day.

Delights from the Cantabrian Sea. Santoña, a small town of “only” 12,000 inhabitants that overlooks the Bay of Biscay, of the Cantabrian Sea, in the north-east of Spain, is famous in the world and well known by gourmets. Apart from the modern tourist vocation, it is in fact a place where the delicious fish products from that sea have always been worked. The white tuna (Bonito del Norte) but, especially the Anchoas del Cantabrico, can not miss the tables of the most demanding and refined gourmets.

Food and Wine Excellencies of a Region that Deserves to be Better Known.   The event was held on February 18th, organized by the Simposio Trionfo del Gusto. And when it comes to Excellence, iBestmag is always there, whether it’s hospitality, drinking, or food. In this case wines, cheeses, cured meats, olive oil and sweets were the protagonists of the day. Tintilia and Caciocavallo di Agnone have made the lion’s share of them all. Respectively a wine and a cheese that best represent the typical Molise.

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