Team’s Day 2018 @ MAXXI – Rome.
When we talk about excellence in the wine and food sectors, we often do not immediately think of all the realities that these worlds make up. In fact, the production chain would not make any sense if there was no commercial one to support it. The products, as valid and high quality, must be able to reach the final user in a world, however, where it is increasingly difficult to emerge and establish its own market. Distribution agencies therefore play a fundamental role in the success of a winery or food business.
Macoratti Team’s Agency is one of these companies and, for over 30 years, deals with the distribution of leading companies in the wine, spirits and confectionery sectors. Founded in 1985 by Tito Macoratti and now managed by his sons Alessio and Ilaria, he selects and supports quality manufacturing companies in marketing and distribution, proposing them to customers in the Ho.Re.Ca. sector and making them known to the public through events such as the one we offer in this article.
We at iBestmag got the opportunity to participate in the Team’s Day 2018 organized last March 12th by Macoratti at Risto and Typo, the ample dining space inside the MAXXI Museum in Rome.
On this occasion, a bit party, a bit cultural event, the lucky visitors had the opportunity to taste great wines from different regions (accompanied by excellent cold cuts, cheeses and baked goods), sweets by the now very famous Fiasconaro and participate in interesting workshops organized by some of the companies present.
As always, in these cases, the wide participation of brands and labels would require an almost encyclopedic treatment, but this is not our task. We will therefore let ourselves be guided exclusively by personal tastes in terms of wines in our reports, but always remembering that every company has proposed products that define excellent is the minimum that can be done.
So we will mention only a few examples, such as the Sauvignon Grave of Friuli DOC 2016 by Fossa Mala, the Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG Riserva 2013 by Carpineto, the Ghemme DOCG 2011 and Gattinara DOCG 2013 by Torraccia del Piantavigna among the wines and cheeses from the Busti Family or Lattanzi salami, among the food companies that supported the event.
We also attended one of the workshops, dedicated to some French wines from Languedoc, under the careful guidance of the Sommelier Prof. Antonio Mazzitelli, who led us to discover the vines, their stories and the territories in which they spread. Mazzitelli’s competence and ability to disclosure, together with the qualities of the wines in question, have kept us “nailed” for over two hours, fully understood in this journey of pleasure and knowledge.
A truly unforgettable day, for wine lovers who, in fact, presented themselves numerous and definitely appreciated the various proposals.
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