Flos Olei 2020

iBESTmag - Flos Olei 2020

Flos Olei, the guide to the world of extra virgin olive oil (EVO) by Marco Oreggia and Laura Martinelli, in a great event at the Excelsior in Rome.

Last December 7th, in the fascinating setting of the Westin Excelsior Hotel in Rome, the presentation event of the 2020 edition of Flos Olei, the Guide to the World of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, took place.

Prizes, tastings, master classes and seminars have allowed enthusiasts and simple onlookers to deepen their knowledge of what has always been one of the leading sectors in the panorama of Italian agricultural production. But not only that, because Flos Olei also considers relevant companies from other large producing countries.






There is no doubt however that, despite being an Italian excellence, the sector of extra virgin olive oil is going through a rather troubled period, linked as it is to the atmospheric and phytosanitary events that lately have been heavily affecting both the quantitative and the qualitative aspect.

Furthermore, the ever-growing demand on the global market places manufacturers facing a series of problems that are difficult to deal with, ranging from purely cultivation problems, to those related to adequate marketing.

As widely emphasized by Marco Oreggia, during his very interesting presentation seminar of the companies included in the “Hall of Fame”, it is no longer possible (at least for those who want to enter and remain on the market with a constant and reliable qualitative/quantitative presence) to rely on improvisation or worse, amateurism.

Adequate and modern agronomic planning, combined with forms of collaboration between small companies that alone cannot withstand the impact of atmospheric changes, as well as market demands, are some of the strong points highlighted by Oreggia during his speech .

On the other hand, this is precisely the philosophical line that drives the creation of the Flos Olei Guide, which reviews 500 producers from all five continents.

Here are some of the concepts expressed in the Guide regarding the selection of companies awarded as “The Best” and those included in the “Hall of Fame“, in addition to the criteria for assigning scores:

Without a ranking of merit and without awards, a Guide would not be such. In our editorial product, the Hall of Fame and The Best stand out. The first includes a group of companies that have achieved a level of excellence that deserves a career recognition represented by the score of 100/100. While The Best is a list of companies that are awarded a quality award declined in different categories. The awarding of the prize does not depend so much on the organoleptic value of the oils presented, as on the qualitative constancy of each producer reality over the years and on the added value that this brings to the territory in which it is located. In fact, extra virgin olive oil is affected, after a few months of life, by a gradual fall in its organoleptic qualities: for this reason we do not want to tie the recognition closely to the exploit of the single oil (…) “

(…) The goal is to enhance the business risk by offering the consumer an additional tool for evaluation (…) The parameters that make up the Company Score according to different percentages are: the presence of olive trees and of the oil mill owned, the quality of all the oils reported by the panel and a “bonus” deriving from the evaluation of the quality continuity of the Company and the quality-price ratio of its products. (…)

An international event therefore, mainly dedicated to extra virgin olive oil, but in which there was no lack of opportunity to appreciate other products from the same companies (wines, preserves etc.) as well as the creations of the numerous chefs present, including an “old knowledge ”: , present in our Special Treasures of Tuscany, who delighted us with one of his specialties… naturally seasoned with the extra virgin oils present in the Hall of Fame.

We also want to point out the excellent wines offered by Villa San Carlo (Valpolicella) and Fassati (Tuscany), as well as the incredible oil “preserves” of La Giardiniera di Morgan.

Companies included in the Hall of Fame

  • Castillo de Canena Olive Juice (ES)
  • Aceites Finca La Torre (ES)
  • Azienda Agricoa Comincioli (IT)
  • Frantoio Bonamini (IT)
  • Frantoio Franci (IT)
  • Azienda Agraria Viola (IT)
  • Americo Quattrociocchi Organic Farm (IT)



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