Proposta Vini – Tasting Rome Together

iBESTmag - Degustiamo Insieme Roma - Balghera


Proposta Vini and Agenzia Enotria have given life to an event that took place in the evocative setting of the New Villa dei Cesari.


An interesting philosophy, that of Proposed Wines, which for almost thirty years has distributed, among others, the “” and the “Wines of the Small Islands“. A particular attention therefore, to the small realities and to those who practice a “difficult” viticulture, given the orographic and/or climatic characteristics of their terroirs. Productions often limited in numbers, but certainly not in quality, as any winelover certainly already knows. Sometimes, real masterpieces that arise from the tenacity and fatigue of man. Wines not intended for mass production, but clearly identifiable in their uniqueness and representation of their territory, born from vines that maybe grow only in those places and not elsewhere.







An event not to be missed then, last October 7th, at the “New Villa of the Caesars” with a large influx of public, as well as the presence of companies was remarkable, with hundreds of labels present, including some with interesting proposals for distillates (for example the wide selection of “Italian Spirits” grappas presented by Antonella Bocchino, or the Figaro liqueur of Distillerie Aragonesi) together with some food companies.


iBESTmag - Tsting Rome Together - New Villa of the Caesars


iBESTmag - Tasting Rome Together - Distillerie Aragonesi


iBESTmag - Tasting Rome Together - Selezione Italian Spirits


iBESTmag - Tasting Rome Together - La Formaggeria


As always, we had to perform random tastings, often guided by chance or by personal sympathy and interest towards a vine or a particular place. However, unlike the usual, the evaluation of the wines reported will be expressed with a score from 3 to 5, to try to make the evaluation itself more immediately identifiable. We do not take into consideration (assuming that it should happen) a valuation of less than 3 that we consider necessary to be reported in a magazine that deals with excellence. Anyway, we would like to emphasize that ours are always personal judgments and expressed with the viewpoint of enthusiasts.


Our Tastings


iBESTmag - Tasting Rome Together - L'Olivella


La Source:
– Petite Arvine – Arvine 100% DOP ◊◊◊
– Torrette – Petit Rouge 90%, Vien de Nus 10% DOP ◊◊◊
– Cornalin – Cornalin 100% DOP ◊◊◊

Castellucci Miano:
– Shiarà – Cataratto DOC ◊◊◊

Alberto Giacobbe:
– Maddalena 2015 – Passerina del Frusinate IGP ◊◊◊ ½
– Lepanto – Cesanese del Piglio Superiore Riserva DOCG ◊◊◊ ½

– Pivot – Cesanese 60%, Merlot 20%, Cabernet Sauvignon 20% ◊◊◊ ½

Cascina Gilli:
– Dedica 2016 – Barbera d’Asti Superiore DOCG ◊◊◊◊
– Arvelè 2015 – Freisa d’Asti Superiore DOC ◊◊◊ ½

– Sassella Riserva 2005 – Valtellina Superiore DOCG (Nebbiolo 100%) ◊◊◊◊ ½

Castello di Verduno:
– Barbaresco 2015 DOCG ◊◊◊◊

Diego Conterno:
– Barolo 2015 DOCG ◊◊◊◊
– Ginestra 2015 – Barolo DOCG ◊◊◊◊ ½

– Recioto della Valpolicella 2016 DOCG ◊◊◊◊

Antiche Cantine Migliaccio:
– Fieno di Ponza Rosso IGT Lazio ◊◊◊ ½





Icona Italiano 32 Extended




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Go Wine - Wines of Friuli Venezia Giulia

Tue Oct 29 , 2019
  The wines of Friuli Venezia Giulia tasting at the Hotel Savoy in Rome, in the event organized by Go Wine.   This time, Go Wine has decided to dedicate an event entirely (with a single, but significant exception) to the wines of one of the most significant regions in the field of Italian viticulture. In F.V.G. in fact, great wines have always been produced that stand as a significant point of reference, especially with the many white ones, for the most demanding enthusiasts. Suffice it to mention Friulano, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio or Ribolla Gialla for whites, but also […]
iBESTmag - Go Wine - Friuli Venezia Giulia Wines - Scarbolo

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