Twist on classic: The great cocktails of the Jerry Thomas Project

iBESTmag - The Jerry Thomas Project - Cover Libro Twist on Classic - Photo by Alberto Blasetti


Published for the 10 years of the first Italian speakeasy, the Jerry Thomas of Rome, the “secret” cocktail bar ranked 50th in the BEST 100 bars in the world 2019. 


Our expert Carlo Dutto tells us an unmissable editorial issue for cocktail and mixology lovers: a book published for the 10 years of the first Italian speakeasy (the hidden bar that needs a password to enter, as in the era of Prohibition), the Jerry Thomas of Rome, who in the ranking of BEST 100 bars in the world 2019 is 50th, (and for six years in the ranking), the only Italian bar to boast similar goals, a true pioneer of quality drinking and the search for ingredients and it is the bar frequented very often by Jude Law during the filming of the two Young Pope who in fact writes the introduction!


iBESTmag - Book cover Twist on classic JERRY THOMAS SPEAKEASY


The book, published by Giunti, sees four protagonists of this story: Roberto Artusio, Leonardo Leuci, Antonio Parlapiano and Alessandro Procoli. A book that tells the first ten years of Jerry Thomas Speakeasy, the first Italian ‘hidden bar’, a true temple of excellence in good drinking. A book with the preface of an exceptional loyal customer, Jude Law, who often appeared at the venue during the filming of the two seasons of The Young Pope, and the preface by the cocktail historian David Wondrich, starts from the birth and evolution of the secret bar, then dwelling on the history of mixology, from 1250 BC to date, to get to the origin of the modern cocktail. The second part is dedicated to the drinks that are illustrated both in the classic recipe and in their variants. The volume, 224 pages, includes an introductory part with the history of the place, a part dedicated to the evolution of mixed drinking, from ancestral drinks to cocktails, and indications on how to create original recipes starting from the classics, the so-called “twist on” classic “. The concept of “twist” is one of the prerogatives of the Jerry Thomas Project, which has made it its distinctive brand with the application of the “three-dimensional rule” or the three ways through which the modification of a classic recipe can be successfully implemented.


iBESTmag - The crew of JERRY THOMAS SPEAKEASY in Rome photo by Alberto Blasetti


Jerry Thomas Speakeasy – – ​​was born from the idea of ​​bringing to light a forgotten mixing style. In 2010 a group of bartenders decided to give life to this small club in the heart of the capital by making available to colleagues, enthusiasts and onlookers a place to experiment and share their particular experiences. Thus was born the first Italian “Secret Bar”. The following years are made of travel, research, study, cultural exchanges, seminars and a lot of determination that will allow Jerry Thomas Speakeasy to enter the “50 World Best Bar” ranking five times. In 2013, after a long and meticulous historical and technical research, the “Vermouth Del Professore” was born, the first of a long series of products designed in collaboration with the Quaglia Distilleries, including three very high quality gins. In the ninth year of activity, “Jerry” remains a point of reference for mixing in Italy, continuing to seek, experiment and spread its knowledge with the same enthusiasm as at the beginning. Many practical examples that you will find in the book, from Old Fashioned (more and more versions, starting with the classic) to Martini Cocktail, from Daiquiri to Manhattan. But above all the “best seller” from Jerry, their version of the Aviation: the Improved Aviation!


iBESTmag - The Jerry Thomas Project - Drink Improved Aviation - Photo by Alberto Blasetti



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We recommend that you always drink alcohol in moderation and above all, do not drive after doing it.


Texts © Carlo Dutto for iBESTmag, Images courtesy Carlo Dutto © Alberto Blasetti – Forbidden Reproduction.


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Vermouth! Interview with Stefano Di Dio

Mon May 25 , 2020
Exclusive interview with STEFANO DI DIO, founder of OSCAR.697, which produces three types of Vermouth, distributed in Italy by Rinaldi 1957.    A singular enterpreneur, for three excellent products. A character who intrigued us and pushed us to want to know more about his history and his Vermouths. Once again, we must thank our friend Carlo Dutto for making this interview, exclusively for iBESTmag ,possible. Before going ahead with the interview, however, we want not only to remember (as always) to drink in moderation and not to drive after drinking, but we allow ourselves to make an appeal precisely to […]
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